Research shows young people living below the poverty line face multiple barriers to access education, employment, housing etc. To be poor is a very stigmatising experience, which affect self-esteem, confidence and personal security. Thus, low income is a strong predictor of low educational performance, lower aspirations for the future and finally social exclusion.
There is a lack of extensive knowledge on how young people experience poverty in the different member states. A better understanding is urgently needed towards achieving the Europe 2020 goal of “at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion".
With “Our life.Our voice. Young people and poverty”, we will place young people’s views at the heart of this project to explore young people’s attitudes to poverty and what it means for them to live in families struggling to make ends meet from day to day.
By listening to the young people experiencing poverty we want to bridge the gap between policy and practice.